Child care

Private person Edehiaa

43 years - Married
75068 Little Elm
United States

0 $

Move-in ...
2023 Jan 9
Preferred Tenant:
Single | no matter J.

Shared Facilities:
one bedroom one bathroom - Public transport:
Our children are EJ who will be 9 years old and Jade, age 2. They grow up so fast. Jade loves to laugh and play. She is a sweet little girl who likes everyone. Everything is a new and exciting experience for her. It is a great age. EJ is a very active little boy. He loves Youtube and being outside. You need a lot of energy for this one. He can make you tired just watching him play. He is so much fun. Most importantly, they are happy and loving children. Both Emmanuel and I work 5 days a week. Emmanuel works for a local Nursing &Rehab company and I am a remote medical coder. Remote meaning that I work from home. I start work around 7:00am and get off by 11pm, while Emmanuel leaves by 8:00am and is home around 8:30. A typical day for you would start at 9:30am and end around 8:00pm. Jade will be at home and gets up around 930 am and EJ will be at school. EJ takes the bus to school. As you can see, I will need your help with Jade in the mornings. Although EJ will spend most of his time at school, I will need your help for after school and bedtime routine. EJ is Autistic and all he needs is redirection when given a task.

General Conditions:

Hours per month
Pets: no
Driver´s licence is not required
Physical handicaps: no

Help needed with:

  1. Household chores, Pets
  2. Child care and private lessons

Item No. 765 - Report entry